As of February 1st, 2021, I will be closing my practice. I am not taking on new clients.
Ex clients wanting to contact me can write me at
In my practice I work with heterosexual and homosexual couples and individuals. Relationship counseling is often ideal for people dealing with issues dealing with intimacy and sexuality. These themes have influence on both parties in a relationship. While couples therapy is not always the easiest path for relational solutions, it is often the most effective.
The next step we collaborate on is to design a treatment plan which we will inplement together. The themes, goals and planning the course of the therapy are important parts of the treatment plan. The treatment sessions will focus on helping you solve your problems or to examine alternatives to deal with them differently and more positively. Sessions are 90 minutes for a couple and 60 minutes for individual clients.
Waiting time for the first intake session is between 2 and 4 weeks. A possible treatment will start soon after the intake.
Everything that you discuss with me is confidential. Your dossier is also confidential. You are the only person who has the right to acces your dossier. Third party requests for information will be met only on your own request and with your written permission.
Are you dissatisfied or have complaints?
If you are dissatified with me as your therapist, I would appreciate it if you would tell me about this. We can look for solutions together. If you would like to file a formal complaint you can address it to the professional organizations that I am a member of. Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen ( of de Nederlands Wetenschappelijke Vereniging voor Seksuologie (
In case of a crisis
In case of a crisis I advise you to contact your own GP (huisarts). Evenings and in the weekend you can contact the weekend doctors post. (huisartsenpost) SMASH, telephone number: 070 346 96 69. SMASH is a cooperative of all the general practitioners in the Hague region.
For inquiries about therapy, please call me directly or send me an e-mail.